Friday, August 23, 2013

We Always Get Our Man


My former brother-in-law, Mike, was an FBI agent on the fugitive squad, Chicago office. Word comes in that a convicted ? murderer, William Doe, has very likely come to his hometown of Chicago to hide.  A massive search ensues, but Doe is nowhere to be found.

Mike is very smart, not easily discouraged, and never deterred.  Poring over Doe's files one day on a break from other cases, something catches the very back of his mind:  the criminal had a very unusual, very large dog.  He thinks awhile longer and remembers the breed:  the dog was a Bouvier des Flandres.  He methodically sets to work, tearing the veterinarian section in the Yellow Pages out of over 100 phone books, and has the steno pool type out all the vets' addresses.  At the public library, he finds a picture of that breed and copies it, then sends a letter and picture of the dog (and Doe?) to 65 vets.   

Three days later, a vet on the North Side calls him to say, "Yes, I did treat a dog like that."  She says a man had brought in a Bouvier just a day or two ago, but since the dog needed a specialist for mange, she referred him to a vet in Hyde Park.  Mike asks for a description of the man.  It's almost surely Doe.  Mike goes to the specialist on the south side.  Specialist vet says, "Oh yeah, I remember that guy but not his name - drives a loud-lookin' car, something flashy - and here's his address" - a place on the North Side.  

At the North Side address, Mike and his partner find the car in the parking lot behind the apartment.  They don't want to spook him by going in, so they decide to stake out the car and wait.  But they need a lookout spot.  (can we please find another word besides spook?)

There's a Catholic school right across the street with a 2nd-floor window, but they need the priest's permission.  After partially clearing the hurdle of the protective housekeeper, a tiny nun with an Irish accent who asks them to come back after lunch, they persuade her to ask Father to speak with them now.  Permission granted.  Mike's partner goes to the front, Mike goes to the alley, and the stakeout begins.

And sure enough, here comes Doe down the alley with his huge dog.  They draw down (that is what agents say when they point a gun at someone, cool!), call out whatever agents call out at such a time, and the dog starts barking.  Mike warns, "Another step and I'll blow your dog away!"  Doe calls out,   "Don't hurt my dog!  He's cool!" and puts the dog in the car.  He confesses that his mother is in the apartment, tells them they'll find drugs and guns - "but don't hurt her."  

Mike points his gun, summons his partner, cuffs Doe, hands the dog's leash with dog attached to his partner, and escorts Doe to the Bureau car.  Mike and his partner call in the squad, 7-8 squadmates.  They find $37,000 in cash, 6 guns, a big white bag of either heroin or blow, and Doe's mom. So they put Mama in one car, Doe in another, and leave the dog in the apartment.

At HQ, Doe is Miranda'd and held.(?)  They turn the guns over to the Bureau and the drugs to the DEA/US Attorney.  Then the agent seats Doe's Mama at a table and sits across from her, with the $37,000 in bills on the table between them.  He turns over the first bill and asks her, "Do you see the blood?"  She says, "I don't see no blood,"  The agent turns over the next bill and asks the same question, following with, "Your son got this money selling drugs, and it's blood money."  He repeats that statement as he turns over every single bill, making her sit there and watch.   

True story.


(Note:  Turns out Doe's been in California with his girlfriend and their a young son.  (I couldn't find a good place to put this or decide if it is relevant.)

MIKE:  I think a you said the following didn't happen,but I could swear.  If it's not true, just leave it out.  But it really makes a good finale. :). Was your partner ever actually in a car with the dog?

With his partner driving, the dog riding shotgun, and Mike in back with Doe, the entourage travels to HQ (or somewhere).  Doe is Miranda'd and incarcerated.

Mike's partner said later that the only scary part was riding all the way to the office 18" away from the huge dog.  

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